速報APP / 健康塑身 / Ab, core & back Workout Fitify

Ab, core & back Workout Fitify



檔案大小:43.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:俄文, 德語, 捷克文, 波蘭文, 英語, 西班牙文

Ab, core & back Workout Fitify(圖1)-速報App

Challenge your Abs, Core & Back muscles in a few minutes. Achieve six-pack look of your abdominal muscles and strengthen your back to avoid back pain and stiffness.

Abs, Core & Back Workouts by Fitify provides 3 unique workouts

• Insane Six Pack – Get sexy, flat and firm abdominal muscles. Achieve perfect six-pack either at home or office.

• Complex Core – Core muscles are responsible for your body stability and good posture as well. Don’t let them stay weak and push yourself hard with Fitify Complex Core.

• Strong Back – Strengthen your back too for better posture and stop back pain forever. Provides exercises for lower and upper part of your back.


• over 80 bodyweight exercises

• 3 unique workout programs

Ab, core & back Workout Fitify(圖2)-速報App

• no equipment needed

• voice coach

• clear HD video demonstrations

• works offline

• build strong abs and six pack

• strengthen your core

• prevent or stop your back pain

Custom Workouts

Ab, core & back Workout Fitify(圖3)-速報App

Build your own workout with custom workouts. Choose exercises, duration, rest intervals and challenge yourself with your own training. With Fitify you have one custom workout for free.

“Great app. Easy to use, good routines. Awesome!” – A. J.

“Hurts.. but in a good way!” – B. R.

“Clear guidance and great variety of exercises. Excellent app” – S. Y.

“Awesome app! User friendly. I like it so much that I had decided to go premium. Keep up the good work.” – M. S.

“Easily the best app I've EVER downloaded!” – M. M.

Fitify Apps

Ab, core & back Workout Fitify(圖4)-速報App

Be stronger, leaner, healthier with Fitify – your very own personal trainer.

Check out other Fitify apps with fitness tools (such as TRX, Kettlebell, Swiss Ball, Foam Roller or Bosu).

Ab, core & back Workout Fitify(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad